L.A. Witch

60s Garage from California
Boa im Sedel

Die Band L.A. Witch existiert erst seit ein paar Jahren, doch die Wurzeln ihrer Musik reichen bis weit in die 60er Jahre hinein. Die Songs von L.A. Witch erinnern an Bands wie The Pleasure Seekers, The Sonics oder Dead Moon und klingen auf positive Weise dreckig und verspielt.
It’s easy to forget that just a few decades ago, the only viable means for penetrating the golden glamour of Los Angeles was via the dusty trail of Route 66. And just as the arteries of the interstate latched onto the thumping heart of California, so too came the amplified sounds of a new restless generation. There was acid on the streets and revolution in the air, but there were also Hell’s Angels in the alleys and Manson’s family on the desert periphery. It was an age of innocence, beauty, and opportunity, with an underbelly of lawlessness and depravity. And it had a soundtrack.


Support: The Altered Hours (Alternative, Ireland)



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